JA #85 Atelier Bow Wow

Par le lièvre • 8 sept, 2012 • Catégorie: Architecture, Nouveautés, Revues

Détails livre

  • Titre : JA #85 Atelier Bow Wow
    Auteur : Collectif
    Editeur : JA
    Format : 22,5 x 29,7 cm
    Pages : 144
    Langue : Anglais/Japonais
    Prix : 37,65 €


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A valuable and unique survey of the work the Japanese firm known for its development of the small scale domestic structure. In illustrating the idea of ‘House Genealogy’ all projects since 1990 are accompanied by sketches made for this issue as well as texts, and are meant to form a single narrative, revealing as much about the architects’ practice as the Japanese city itself.

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