’scape 2008/1
Par le lièvre • 31 juil, 2008 • Catégorie: Architecture, Revues •Détails livre
’scape is the new international magazine for landscape architecture and urbanism. It offers a journalistic, critical and professional view of the design of landscapes and townscapes. ’scape informs, raises opinions and inspires. Richly illustrated and attractively laid out, the magazine contains news, features, interviews, portraits, design criticism, essays, book reviews and commentaries.
Theme: Cultural landscapes
Even landscapes die out
The manifestation A Wider View is part of the Triënnale Apeldoorn. It shows the ways in which Europeans have approached their landscape - from agricultural and industrial landscapes to defence and park landscapes.
Man-made landscapes
‘Nature as Artifice’ is the title of a photography show at the Kröller-Müller museum. Here, contemporary photo artists present their view of the changing Dutch landscape. In doing so, they follow in the footsteps of the great Dutch landscape painters, who of course painted ‘from nature’, butwere nevertheless fully alive to man-made landscape.
Vistas of the imagination
During Triënnale Apeldoorn, a few dozen original designs from European landscape architecture will be displayed. Together, these offer an idea of landscape architecture’s development within the context of the prevailing spirit of the times.
Urbanism of anticipation
As cities undergo constant evolution according to social and economic lfe, we have to develop them with respect to their social and cultural specificities. This requires more than perfect plans: time, sensitive and popular ideas of anticipating the professionally sensible urban transformations.
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