Roma - Meno è più

Par le lièvre • 8 juil, 2009 • Catégorie: Architecture, Nouveautés

Détails livre

  • Titre : Roma Meno è più - the new sequences of architectural and urban transformation
    Auteur : Collectif
    Editeur : LISt
    Format : 12 x 16,5 cm
    Pages : 234
    Langue : Anglais
    Prix : 22,20 €


roma meno è più - the new sequences of architectural and urban transformation, list, architecture, urbanisme, lièvre de mars, lievre de mars


The city of Rome has started up – especially during the last 10 years – an intense urban transformation process, with significant changes in a lot of areas, from the city center to the vast periphery. Among the several programs, “MenoèPiù”, run by the “Interventi di Qualità-Assessorato all’Urbanistica”, aims to redesign in an unitary shape a new parks, places and schools system, in some of the new periphery crucial areas.

It is an intense season of new design competitions, a lot of Italian and strangers designer has been selected to, which makes a new urban scenarios sequence and architectures and outlines a significant transformations’ geography, to modify considerably the different suburban areas of Rome in the next future.

The book - a little but dense design manual – gathers and publishes the winner competitions proposals and a careful selection of the others participants, in a double Italian and English edition.

Like this, a twofold divulgation’s purpose is realized: the recent Rome urban transformation and the architectural production of some of the more interesting and up-and-coming Italian and European ateliers (5+1AA, Ian+, Labics, Ricci&Spaini,  Actar/Nabito, Gianfriddo, Grafton and so on).

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