Articles Marqués ‘tattouage’

Bodies of Subversion

Par le lièvre • 6 mar, 2013 • Catégorie: Graphisme, Nouveautés

Bodies of Subversion was the first history of women’s tattoo art when it was released in 1997, providing a fascinating excursion to a subculture that dates back to…

Forever - The New Tattoo

Par le lièvre • 10 sept, 2012 • Catégorie: Graphisme, Nouveautés

Tattoos now have mass appeal, but beyond the mainstream, a new tattoo underground has developed. It is as innovative, diverse, inspiring, and controversial…

Mexican Graphics

Par le lièvre • 11 nov, 2011 • Catégorie: Graphisme, Nouveautés

Lucha Libre, Santa Muerte and Dia del Los Muertos – Mexican graphics are everywhere. The 256-pages of this brilliant hard-back tome are jam-packed with amazing visual…

Juxtapoz Tattoo

Par le lièvre • 19 mai, 2011 • Catégorie: Graphisme

Juxtapoz Tattoo focuses on a subject very dear to the inked hearts of its readers. Most of the featured artists came up at the beginning of Tattoo s modern renaissance in the mid…