Wondering Around Wandering
Par le lièvre • 29 mar, 2012 • Catégorie: Graphisme, Nouveautés •Détails livre
Figure incontournable du graphisme contemporain, Mike Perry est un touche-à-tout. Il passe tour à tour de l’illustration à la peinture, au design, à la mode ou la sculpture, mais son univers foisonnant aux couleurs acidulées est immédiatement reconnaissable.
Known worldwide as a creative darling, Mike Perry’s celebrated DIY style of hand-drawn rendering has influenced a generation of contemporary designers and illustrators.
Though Perry publishes zines, runs a magazine, makes clothing, has curated three successful books, and has painted, sculpted, silk-screened, and drawn on anything and everything, Wondering Around Wandering is his first monograph. And, in tune with his whimsical nature, this book functions as a true artist’s book. Perry has carefully designed each page of this book, placing old work next to new and sometimes even reworking old work to make it new again. With explosive fluorescent colors, various paper stocks, and five four-page zines bound into the book, this volume is an object that must be experienced.
With his playful approach to life and art, it is no surprise that Perry is considered the grandfather (or grandson) of this aesthetic. Artists, designers, hip trendsetters, children, the young-at-heart, and anyone interested in DIY culture will treasure this amazing project.
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