Boxed and Labelled Two!

Par le lièvre • 25 oct, 2011 • Catégorie: Graphisme, Nouveautés

Détails livre

  • Titre : Boxed and Labelled Two!
    Auteur : Collectif
    Editeur : DGV
    Format : 24 x 30 cm
    Pages : 224
    Langue : Anglais
    Prix : 49,90 €


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Boxed & Labelled Two! is a compelling exploration of the power of state-of-the-art packaging design today and documents its main strategic directions—all of which address a longing for “truthfulness.” Because our relationship to food products has changed so drastically in the last few years, especially in regard to the importance we place on the source and quality of ingredients, the majority of the examples in this book are food-related. But other examples from a wide spectrum of products also highlight the traits that distinguish those on the cutting edge of the evolution in packaging concepts.

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