Calaveras - Day of the Dead

Par le lièvre • 16 nov, 2009 • Catégorie: Graphisme, Nouveautés

Détails livre

  • Titre : Calaveras - Day of the Dead
    Auteur : n/a
    Editeur : Redstone
    Format : 16 x 22,5 cm
    Pages : 22 cartes postales
    Langue : n/a
    Prix : 13,80 €


calaveras - day of the dead, redstone, graphisme, cartes postales, librairie le lièvre de mars

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Calaveras – the Spanish word for skulls – are produced every year for the Mexican ‘Day of the Dead’ festival. This day of festivity sees prints, skeletal artefacts, toys, cakes and sweets sold on the streets and ritualistic offerings made to dead relatives.

This collection of 22 large-format postcards released to coincide with two major exhibitions in London, brings together images that mix vitality with morbidity. Produced by the great Mexican printmakers Manuel Manilla and J.G.Posada these images include skeletons featured in everyday acts, such as drinking, flirting, preaching and working.

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