100 Beste Plakate 08

Par le lièvre • 17 nov, 2009 • Catégorie: Graphisme, Nouveautés

Détails livre

  • Titre : 100 Beste Plakate 08
    Auteur : n/a
    Editeur : Hermann Schmidt Verlag
    Format : 21,5 x 24 cm
    Pages : 216
    Langue : Allemand/Anglais/Français
    Prix : 43,90 €


100 Beste Plakate 08, hermann schmidt verlag, graphisme, affiches, librairie le lièvre de mars

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The main advantage of a contest with inexpensive participation fees is that works will be submitted that neither have a big budget nor a big boss or client. Like theatre or cultural posters for example.

It is especially in this field of creative work – where not much money is made, but experimental and free work around exhibitions and staging is supported – where new things emerge. It is where the boundaries of the visual are fathomed and concepts are daring.

That is what makes this publication so interesting: A modest book with surprising ideas and long lasting food for thought!

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