Pattern Sourcebook: Nature

Par le lièvre • 8 sept, 2009 • Catégorie: Graphisme, Nouveautés

Détails livre

  • Titre : Pattern Sourcebook: Nature
    Auteur : Shigeki Nakamura
    Editeur : Rockport
    Format : 14,7 x 21 cm
    Pages : 128
    Langue : Anglais
    Prix : 18 €


pattern sourcebook: nature, rockport, Shigeki Nakamura, graphisme, librairie le lièvre de mars

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This book presents a collection of carefully selected nature-inspired patterns for use by designers and artists in their projects and personal work. A companion CD ROM provides 250 patterns in high-definitional JPEG format along with PSD format from which you can freely manipulate and modify the patterns to customize them for your own use. This is an inspirational and highly practical reference and sourcebook for anyone working in the area of visual art.

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